Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Covent Garden

So, it’s been about three days since I last posted. In those three days, I walked to Oxford Street and attempted to vlog… a bit embarrassing, I must admit… I then had my first LCF class, which was AMAZING. Yes, it was so great that it needed caps. My tutor was late for class on Monday because he had just landed from his flight from the Golden Globes. Yes. That is the real deal. He has probably styled people I have only dreamed of meeting, which is cool, crazy and terrifying. My styling skills are definitely not up to par, but by the end of the semester I'm (hoping) to be ready to help you all out. Yeah, maybe I'll make that my job. Okay, I'll stop going on now. Another plus? He’s pretty cool (and not too intimidating). After my class, I attempted to take the bus, went the wrong way, couldn’t get on another bus because it turns out my oyster card wasn’t activated, then took the tube in the wrong direction, figured out how to switch over, and somehow made it to my location. It was a mess. I survived, but I was very done with London transportation. So, that was my Sunday and Monday.

Tuesday, Aundrea and I took a trip to Covent Garden, which is absolutely gorgeous. Because I got way way waaayyy too lost, the rest of the students in my group took a walking tour of London, which I missed. So, she knew how to get there, and I just followed. We popped in and out of shops, but, to my surprise, didn’t find too much. I tried to get pictures since it was absolutely gorgeous, so I’ll be sure to post those below. The highlights?
The crepe café (and everywhere else that I didn’t eat but wanted to). I cannot even begin to explain how delicious they were. I’m planning on doing a separate post about this lovely and delectable mini-shop, but here is a little preview photo. Aundrea and I shared a Nutella and Skippy peanut butter crepe. It. Was. So. Good. The hot chocolate was good too. But, I must say, Costa still has the best hot chocolate I’ve ever had. What do you Londoners think about Costa? Just curious...
Isn't this cute? It's tiny and pink all over. How lovely.

Abbie this one goes out for you. I know how you love candy. Yuuum.

The talent. There was an opera singer belting out a tune while we were strolling through the market area, and it was quite impressive. Not only do we not have street performers back in Iowa, but seeing all the people surrounding the area listening was nice too. I mean, if you’re out there singing your heart out, wouldn’t you want people to listen? That's just what we did.

Shopping. Of course, I must include this. I only bought one thing, which was a fashion magazine for my styling course. My tutor told my class to pick out something that inspires us, and the magazine “Bricks” popped out at me. I paid for it and noticed on the side: “Volume 1.” Not only did I pick out a cool, vibrant publication, but it was also their first one published ever. I’m all about supporting magazines (raises hands in the air for all other magazine majors), so I thought it was an even better purchase than what I had even imagined. We also stopped in a cute Disney store, which instantly reminded me of home. My sister and mom love Disney everything, so that touched me a bit. But really, there are both high scale shops like Burberry, and a little more budget friendly options, like Zara, so you will not be disappointed by a stop.

Architecture, buildings and color. No, I am not a design student, nor have I studied architecture and design, but everything is immensely historic and beautiful. There is so much beauty in this city, each borough having its own energy and individuality. 

 This was on my walk back, but I thought it looked gorgeous.
This hotel is located right near where I live, and it's gorgeous. The sun setting made it picture perfect. But, like everything else, photos don't do it justice.

I know I always say the city is beautiful, but I can't help it. That's what it is. Until next time,

Maggie D. x


  1. Sounds like another amazing few days. I bet you will learn so much from your tutor since he really is in the middle of award season and styling celebrities. Your pictures are beautiful as usual... I need to get to Europe ASAP.

    1. Yes, it has been! I am so excited to see what else he'll teach us--it'll be amazing, I'm sure. And yes, the trip would be well worth it! I could even give you some suggestions as to where to visit :)

      Maggie D. x

  2. Lovely blog post and I am glad that you are enjoying your stay in London.

    Costa to us British folk is just as popular as Starbucks and you can find them equally jotted around places. Where I live in Brentwood (Essex) we have a starbucks, but a few minutes drive down the road there is a costa! You missed out on the amazing white hot chocolate christmas drink!

    Lovely post and fabulous pictures, hope London treats you well!




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